Ian was born in a small village just outside Cambridge, and happily admits that the only subject I was really interested in at school was art, particularly relief sculpture. On leaving school he did a variety of jobs, none of which fulfilled the creative side of his nature, and so thirty years or so on decided to take up art again
Ian worked initially with acrylics and then moved on to oils, but was never completely happy with his efforts. Believing that perhaps he needed to learn the art of painting from the beginning again he enrolled in an art course at the local college. However, the only course available was for watercolour, so thought he’d give it a go!
From that point on he was hooked and now paints exclusively in that medium. His style is direct application of paint with no overlay of washes as he believes this gives the finished painting the transparency so desired by many watercolour artists.
Ian is an member of the Institute of East Anglian Artists and is widely exhibited and of sufficient standing as an artist to have held his own one man show. He currently runs a weekly watercolour class, and also does occasional day workshops for art groups.
Ian takes his subjects from everyday life, from the UK to France, Spain, Greece – anywhere there’s a moment to be captured in watercolour.
Click a painting for more info.